Tattoo Collection Part: 4

I am not going in any specific order of when my tattoos came in and all the pieces I will be talking about in this post were all done by the same artist, Jason.
I love shoulder tattoos and I wanted to get a phrase on my shoulder area that goes towards my neck. I got 'Love with no regret' and this is a very meaningful tattoo. Being young so many of us go through heartbreaks, it happens and that's kind of part of life. I've definitely have gone through my fair share of heartaches and heartbreaks. At times I even wished I had never met some of those boys. Once I got with Rudy I realized how much I had changed from past relationships. I had caught myself not doing so many of the horrible things I would normally do in a bad relationship and breaking the habit along with doing a lot of things that used to be very difficult for me to do. I honestly believe that when you are with the one you are truly meant to be with you are all for making a change. I am 100% a better person since I got with Rudy, I wanted to change to be the best I could be for him and also myself. I got this tattoo because if I had not met those guys and gone through all those heartbreaks I probably wouldn't be where I am and who I am today. They made me become such a better girlfriend (Faincé) to Rudy and now I couldn't be happier or thankful for that. (I kind of thank them in a weird way.) So now I look back and I love with no regret and still do. Everything happens for a reason. This spot was painless and was done really quick same as my roman numerals.
As long as I can remember I had always wanted to get a vintage skeleton looking key tattooed on my body. I originally wanted to get it on my foot where I now have my crown so I decided one day I eventually will. I even was debating on getting it alongside my arm straight down close to my elbow but never committed to it. Along with wanting a key tattoo I had also been wanting a Friday the 13th tattoo for a while. I had seen on Pinterest a girl with a key tattoo that had the number 13 and thought it was the perfect idea for my Friday the 13th tattoo. Finally on Friday, June 13, 2014, I got my key tattoo. I decided to get it on the side of my rib and was nervous since I heard rib cages are a very painful spot. This was not the case for me. This tattoo hurt a bit but I was expecting a lot more pain. I would rate this piece a 4-5. I think maybe because this piece wasn't so big or because I worked myself up thinking it was going to be extremely painful that it ended up being tolerable. It's going on two years since I have gotten this so I definitely need to get it touched up soon. I am happy with how it turned out and I especially like this placement. I like that it's one of my hidden tattoos and not many people know of it.
(Trying to hold my shirt up and keeping my boob covered made the triangle look lopsided when it isn't in person.)

Sticking to my rib cage and stomach area I got the Deathly Hallows sign from Harry Potter on the opposite side above the ribs I guess you can say on the side area of the boob. I am a huge Harry Potter fan ever since the first movie came out. I knew this was something I really wanted. I told Jason somewhat how I wanted it and that I wanted it to look girly and to add some swirls around it. It ended up coming out just how I would have wanted it. This piece too has faded a bit and needs to be touched up. This spot did not hurt at all just like my key!
For a couple of years, I had wanted to get something done on the upper tummy/under the boob, sternum. I decided on roses cause why not I'm obsessed with them and they are so pretty. I got this piece done in two sessions. In the first session, I was getting the outline done and I went in trying to be brave. This was pretty damn painful to be completely honest. At times I didn't think I was going to be able to let Jason finish it but I'm not a complainer while I'm getting a tattoo. I like to keep quiet because that just means I'm one step closer to having it finished. I'd rate this spot about a 7-8. I knew that for the second session I was going to need something to help me deal with the pain and this was when I had ordered the Hush gel. I had just ordered it when I was getting the outline done so I knew it wasn't going to arrive on time. I figured I can do that session without it to see how bad the pain is since it was only an outline and if I need the gel for the next session I would already have it in my hands. Clearly, I used it for my second session and it seriously helped. I'm not going too much into this product maybe I can make a separate post talking all about it. I've had this piece for almost two years also and I want to get it touched up eventually. Since these pieces aren't exposed like ever it's something I'm not in too much of a rush to touch up.
I finally decided I wanted to get my left foot tattooed. Around this time I had been debating for a few months to get my crown covered up or not but ended up deciding not to at least for now anyway. This one is pretty simple just a big rose. I've mentioned already many times that I love roses and I wouldn't mind having them all over my body. A friend of mine Cam had recently gotten both of her feet tattooed with two gorgeous roses and she inspired me to get a rose on my foot. Mine is completely different than hers, her roses were solely inspiration. Jason did my rose peach because I'm obsessed with the color. I love how my rose turned out. It is so beautiful and the color is just perfect. I was nervous going into this appointment since I remember my crown being so unbearable. I'm not sure if my pain tolerance had gone up or what but while I got the rose done it wasn't anywhere near as painful as I remember getting my crown. The downside was my foot was really swollen for a couple of days, also something I don't remember happening when I got my crown done. Then again that piece is very small and simple compared to this rose. This is one of my favorite pieces on my body.
This was just a few days after my birthday back in 2014. Rudy and I had just gotten home from our birthday trip to Disneyland and I had an appointment to get another tattoo haha. I had really been wanting to get my legs tattooed, Rudy wasn't really for the idea at the time. There's something about leg and thigh tattoos that I just love. There isn't much meaning to this piece besides the fact that I love supernatural things. Crystal balls and Ouija's really intrigue me like all things spooky as witches, ghosts, vampires, Halloween stuff. The idea of being able to talk or contact ghost are kind of cool to me but I'm not saying I would ever try myself since I'd be way too scared haha. Like most of my tattoos I really like how this one turned out. It was exactly what I had envisioned when I was explaining to Jason what I wanted. The colors are on point as well! I don't remember this spot being very painful besides the awkward position I had to keep my leg in. Since it is on the very side of my leg above the ankle and my knee was so very sore because of it and my ankle became very swollen too it was insane haha. It was kind of torturous to even walk because once I would be on my feet I could feel all the pressure and weight rushing down to that ankle. It was such a weird feeling.

I never realized just how many tattoos I really have until starting this series. It is so much harder trying to type and talk about all the meanings to every single one of them as well.



  1. I love you sternum tattoo, I want one there too. I never knew about your Crystal balls and Ouija tattoo. I love it.

    1. Thank you, I love the sternum spot! You should get something there but I would recommend the Hush gel. Not many people know about it unless they have seen it. I had it up on IG for a while but then took it down for no reason haha.


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