My Top Five: Face Masks

Since it's the month of love "February" I wanted to share some of my favorite face masks with you guys. I love using face mask it's a fun way to pamper yourself, relax, and get your skin pretty. I have tons of face masks so I'm narrowing it down to my must haves can't live without.
I really like the brand Origins they're skin care products are amazing and has always worked wonders on my skin. I always see results when using anything theirs. I own quite a few of their face masks but I am sharing my three favorites of theirs today. These three masks are my top three! Two are from Origins and the other is a deluxe sample I got from Sephora and its from the brand Boscia.

My all time favorite mask is the Origins 'Out of trouble' mask. This face mask is for acne/break outs. I always wanted to try the infamous Glam Glow masks but that is way too expensive for me to spend my money on no matter how great they are. I decided to try Origins mask as an alternative. I am so happy I picked up this mask. It works great and its half the price of Glam Glow. I want to say all or nearly all Origins masks are $25 which is a great price point. When ever I have a break out or if my skin is just not having it I like to use this mask. Wether I use it as a spot treatment or over the entire face it helps my break out disappear quick. I can feel it going deep into my pores and pulling out all those nasty bacterias. This mask is also suppose to help calm the skin/break out. As you can see from the photo I am close to being done with this mask and will have to repurchase a new one as soon as it's all gone. I love to use this a couple of nights before a big party/special occasion, before I go on a trip, or while I'm having my monthly visit. On the bottle it says to leave on for 10 mins but I sometimes leave in on for a little bit longer depending on how bad my skin is that day.

Sometimes right after I use the Out of Trouble mask I put this next Origins mask on my face. Acne/break out masks can tend to dry out your skin and in my case causing me to break out sometimes  a little more. So what I like to do to prevent this is go in with a hydrating mask. Like I said I don't always use this right after that mask but when I do I notice it really helps prevent a new break out due to dryness. This is Origins 'Drink Up' mask. It smells so good! I really enjoy using this mask especially during the spring and summer time because I get a cooling feeling on my face from the breeze. This mask I like to leave on anywhere from 15 mins to hours. It says to leave on the face for 10 mins but I have never seen anything bad happen to my skin for having it on all day long, not saying its ok and for you to go ahead and do it. It just works great for me, I mean its a hydrating mask what harm can it do... I have oily skin if some of you remember for previous posts and I still like to use this mask. It doesn't make me extra oily or anything that like so don't worry if you're oily too. I'm actually using it this very moment as I'm typing this post haha.

My third favorite mask is the Boscia 'Luminizing Black Mask'. This mask I usually only use on my T Zone and anywhere else I may have enlarged pores. This is a fun mask to use, you are suppose to add a thick layer to the area of the face of your choosing. You need to let it completely dry off so the time frame of this will vary. Once it's completely dries, and this is the fun part, you peel it of your face. It doesn't hurt at all. This mask is suppose to go deep into your pores to clear them along with detoxifying. This mask also brightens your face. I enjoy this mask because every time I use it I see results. Once you peel off the mask you can see everything it just pulled out of your skin even if that sounds gross. I own the Origins Charcoal mask which I'm pretty sure it's suppose to do the same thing if not very similar things as this mask and I like this one over the Origins. That is why I didn't add it to this post, but don't get me wrong I do still enjoy it.

I recently purchased this Origins 'Retexturizing Mask with Rose Clay'. Anything with the word rose in it I'm interested. I've used this a handful of times and Im really enjoying it. It says it is formulated to refine your skins texture which I agree it does. Inside this mask there is little beads so when you are rinsing it off it also works as a exfoliator. It's suppose to restore the radiance of your skin making you look more youthful and who doesn't want that. After every use I can feel how soft my skin is. The smell is so good I really enjoy it. From exfoliating my skin does get a little red since I do have sensitive skin, but once the redness subsides my skin is looking more alive and glowy for sure.

The last face mask I am going to be talking about is this one by Clarisonic. If you guys read my Clarisonic Review here on my blog then you know how much I love it. I saw this at Sephora on Black Friday as I was checking out and it was apart of they're $10 sale they were having and as soon as I realized it was a mask I took it. This mask is the 'Detoxifying Clay Mask'. As the name says this is suppose to be a powerful detoxifying mask and it's said to dramatically clear and reduce the appearance of pores. I struggle with large pores and once I started using the Clarisonic as I said on my review my pores became super clean and shrunk in size but they are still there. This mask says to use it with the Calrisonic so I apply the mask, leave in on for 10-15 mins or until the mask is completely dry as you will be able to tell in the color change. Then I usually hop into the shower apply my Calrisonic face cleanser on my Clarisonic brush head and remove the mask with it. My skin looks and feels so clean! I try to use this mask once a week which is how you will see the best results and I really do. I just really believe in the brand Clarisonic I don't think I'll ever not like something from them.
I have so many more face masks that I like but didn't add to this post because I really wanted to narrow down my absolute favorites. I wouldn't share a mask if I didn't 100% stand by it. I like to share with you guys things I like in case any of you try and it may like it yourselves. Keep in mind just because I'm raving about a product and see results doesn't mean everyone will too.
I did want to share that I also really love the Sephora brand fiber sheet masks. They have 6 or 8 to choose from and they're just so much fun to use since its not like any other face mask. These are actual sheets that you apply over the face so it makes you look kinda scary haha. You leave it on for a few mins but I always leave it in longer. You peel it off your face and leave on the remaining fluids of the mask on your face and I just like to tap it on my face to help dry.
What are some of your can't live without face masks you absolutely love?



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