February Favorites

February is a short month so it feels like everything went by even faster this month. I don't have too much things this month to share since I haven't used any new products or anything but I do have a handful or random things to share. So to keep this intro short I am going to quickly begin.

First up is this hand cream that I purchased from Bath & Body Works early this month. I'm not at all into lotions because I hate that sticky greasy feeling a lot of them tend to leave on your hands or skin.   A few years ago when I was working at a grocery store I was constantly washing my hands which caused my hands to become very dry. That was when I decided I want to give hand creams a shot. I found one hand cream from Soap & Glory that didn't do either of those to my hands that and it smelled so lovely. It became a quick favorite of mine. While using this I began to notice that the hand cream began to smell a bit off kind of funky after owning it for a couple of months. I began to think that maybe I had it for too long and it was time for a new one, plus I was close to finishing this small travel sized tube. I purchased a couple more and the same exact thing happen only this time that scent came sooner than the last one. That was the only downside to this product and I decided to not purchase it anymore. One day while shopping at B&BW I saw this peach hand cream and I just knew I had to try it. (I mean it's PEACH!) I've been really liking this hand cream  and it hydrates my hand also without that sticky feeling. It smells amazing, clearly I love anything peach scented. It was also perfect timing since it's still been pretty cold in San Jose my hands have been feeling a bit dry. I had to go back and pick up a few more back ups for when they no longer carry this scent. I carry one with me every where I go!

While I was shopping around B&BW I had seen this 'Aromatherapy' Detoxify Sleep body wash, that's a mouthful. Since I had been having trouble sleeping I thought this was a great idea to try out and it was on clearance for $3 such a steal. I also own a small travel size of they're regular sleep body wash. I had originally bought that one to take along with me while I was at Disneyland. I have to say I really like this Detoxify body wash and a lot more than than original sleep one. This one sleeps a lot better too. I used this every night before bed while at Disneyland and I sleep so much better than I had been weeks prior. I don't know maybe it also has to do from walking all day at the parks or maybe its a mind over matter type of thing. All I know is that when I use this I fall asleep a lot faster and I don't wake up as often through out the night. Now I'm a little disappointed that this one has been discontinued so I will have to use this sparingly.

A good friend of mine Imelda, sent me the most cutest Valentine's Day card I have ever seen. It's perfect for me and I love how she knows me so well. I love arrows and I even have one tattooed on my arm. The tattoo has such a special meaning behind it as I have talked all about on my Tattoo Collection series that I am doing. This card is so cute and fun I am even going to get it framed and hang it in my room. She also blogs so check her out!

For Valentine's Day Rudy got me this Kate Spade perfume 'Live Colorfully' that I have been eyeing for some time now. It smells so lovely, its a light scent of floral and a tad bit of musk. If you haven't smelled this perfume yet do so next time you are in a store that carries high end perfumes! I have been wearing it every single day since he gave it to me too. Along with the perfume Rudy also got me a Kate Spade wallet, another item I had my eye on. How cute is it! I'm typically into everything black when it comes down to purses and wallets since it's something I'll use every single day plus it goes with every single outfit. I really love how this wallet is red and I love it more that it's scalloped. I'm so obsessed with everything about this wallet that I'm so anxious to purchase the matching bag to go along with it! I'm definitely stepping out of the box a little now. I also think it'll be perfect for Spring.

Another lovely friend of mine Cam, sent me this beautiful wedding book. I swear I've been so lucky with having amazing friends through social media especially since I've never really been one to have many. This book is called 'Style Me Pretty' by Abby Larson. It is a book to inspire ideas for wedding and oh boy has it done exactly that! I'm still in the beginning chapters of reading this book but it already have my inspiration juices flowing. It's really nice how detail this book gets into and really explains steps to take in order to achieve things for your unique and personal wedding. I have never been to a wedding so I think I am pretty clueless as to what exactly is the step by step to one besides the 'I do's' and lovely ceremony party that comes afterwards. The photos in this book is breathtaking. So perfect for a bride-to-be and I'm so happy and thankful she was kind enough to have thought of sending this to me.



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