Mary Poppins Hat

This year for Halloween I'm going to be dressing up as Mary Poppins as you may already know. This costume is one I've wanted to do since last year but like every other year, I didn't do any planning ahead of time & then end up doing something super easy & last minute. Once Rudy & I decided we were going to Disneyland to celebrate our birthdays along with celebrating Halloween a little bit early I wanted to plan our costumes asap! We also had finally purchased our tickets to Mickeys Halloween Party at Disneyland, which we are both so excited about! It was going to be our first time attending so I really wanted a well-thought costume even if it was something easy to do.

This costume was super easy & you can create with most things you already have in your closet. Me being me I had to buy everything for this costume just as an excuse to shop haha. I was looking into just buying an already made Mary Poppins hat through Etsy but they were pretty pricey so I decided just to make mine myself which isn't hard at all & an excuse to get a little crafty. I decided to show step by step how I created my Mary Poppins inspired hat in three very simple steps. This will probably even be a pointless post but I had fun making it & wanted to share it with you guys.
Things you'll need:
-A black hat
-Flowers similar to Mary's; I chose daisies & some red flowers similar to the daisies 
-Hot glue gun & glue sticks 
Step 1: You want to start off by cutting pieces of the flowers, keep the stems long you can always go back & cut it shorter. For now, your just going to start placing them on the hat making a guide to what you'd like it to look like. Play around with it, it doesn't have to look perfect either. I didn't have a method at all when doing this I first just started grabbing one color at a time than filling empty areas.
Step 2: Once you are satisfied with what your flowers on your hat look like you're going to start hot gluing them down. Hot glue can get very messy so just try to work in small areas at a time. Once you apply the glue you can move the flower around and pretty much shape it in the form you want it to stay. Also at this point, you can cut the stems shorter if you need to.
Step 3: Once you're done gluing all the flowers down check it out and add some more flowers where every you think needs it or where you see holes.

& You're Done!
She wasn't that beyond easy? Now you have a hat just like Mary Poppins. I love how my costume turned out. I had many compliments at Disneyland while I wore it to the party. It was super fun to wear and we had such a fun time at the party too.
What are you guys dressing up for Halloween?



  1. the flowers look absolutely amazing on that delicate hat. holloween draws near day by day and i wa s thinking about becoming the charecter. i think this seems to be a great addition to the attire. thank you so much for this

  2. Thanks for sharing amazing information !!!!!!
    Please keep up sharing.


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