Happy Birthday!

On Thursday, September 24, was mine & Rudy's birthday! (Yes, we share the same birthdays! He's two years older.) We didn't do much since it fell on a weekday & we both worked the day of & the day after which we chose to do since we're going to Disneyland the following Wednesday, September 30.

On Wednesday we went to a Mexican restaurant where Rudy really likes these micheladas. I don't care for those except the shrimps are really yummy! 

The day of our birthday I went to work & all my co-workers were absolutely the sweetest. They bought me my favorite cake, coffee, balloons along with gift card, a box of donuts & even took me out for lunch. We went to Bills Cafe since I've never been. The place was really good & I loved their mimosas. I love mimosas haha. Once I got off work I waited for Rudys to get off work & once he got home we exchanged gifts & spent the rest of the day watching our tv shows. 

Friday as a birthday gift to myself I got my hair done! I was getting a bit tired of the ombré look so I wanted to go back to my all natural red hair. I've also been really bored with my hair & wanted a change. I decided to get some bangs! I've never had straight front bangs in my life. It was something I always wanted when I was a kid because every little girl in school had them & I felt left out since I never had it. I was so nervous about it but honestly, I'm in love with them. I'm really happy I made the decision to get them. I think it was the change I needed. 

On Saturday my dad made a small BBQ for mine & Rudys birthdays. We kept it really small, overall it was a good & relaxing birthday.

I really wished I took a bit more photos to share but here are a few that I did take. I love sharing my birthday with Rudy & wouldn't want to share my birthday with anyone else but him. 

(& one more of my hair cause I'm so obsessed!)



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