The Proposal!

(The spot where Rudy proposed to me.)

Where do I even begin? I'm engaged! Today makes exactly one month that Rudy proposed to me and I still can't believe it. I always catch myself staring at my ring in awe. I don't think that feeling will ever fade. Today I'm going to share our engagement story with you guys. It's kind of a long story to have to type up to every single person and that's what really pushed me into making this blog so I can just type up a whole post dedicated entirely to this story. Let's begin!

Rudy and I had been planning on visiting Disneyland for their 60th Anniversary celebration for a few months now and we were so excited to be able to be a part of this event. Disney means so much to the both of us so being there for this really meant a lot. We were so excited when we found out that the kick-off began on May 22 and it was also going to be their 24-hour event. Since we live about 5-6 hours away from Anaheim we miss a lot of their events so to finally be able to experience an event or two was very exciting! We arrived at the parks on Thursday and had a lovely day. Ate some macarons and even watched Alice play musical chairs. We left early that day to get some sleep since we were going to be waking up very early the next day.

Friday we got up super early, 6 am! Got ready and headed out eager to get to the park. When we finally arrived the park was a bit crowded than what we were used to. We had made reservations for breakfast at the Plaza Inn. It's a buffet and our first time there. Everything was so yummy and we even got to meet & take tons of pictures with so many characters which normally don't walk around the park. We bounced back and forth from both parks until we decided it was time to go get some late lunch/early dinner and then go back to the hotel to rest before heading back again. When we finally decided to head back to the park the streets were insane! So much traffic due to so many people trying to get into Disneyland. The park had even hit it's maxed capacity at around 3 pm which was shortly after we had left. Crazy! We weren't able to even get through the bag check, the wait was 2-3 hours. We decided to just skip that and head to Rainforest Cafe for some drinks. We then met up with one of my friends at Downtown Disney and hung out with her for a while.

Saturday kinda seems like a blur to me. Right, when we arrived at Disneyland I spotted Minnie in her 60th Anniversary dress and told Rudy we had to get at least one photo with her and Mickey in them! We stopped and quickly snapped some pictures then took off to Starbucks to get some coffee. We headed to the castle on our first day there we took pictures with my Polaroid camera and I wanted to get a photo me holding them in front of the castle.
Once I was done I went back to Rudy where he was holding our coffee. I grabbed mine and was starting to walk away when he stopped me. He told me to "hold on", grabbed my cup and set it down on next to us. Right away I thought it that strange and I was on alert after that. He quickly mentioned that he was really scared and nervous which made me a bit scared too. I asked him if he was feeling ok because the night before he wasn't feeling good and even threw up a couple of times so right away I assumed he was feeling sick again. His eyes got really watery and then something hit me I had a feeling I knew exactly what was going to happen. I remember I started saying no in complete disbelief haha I couldn't believe what was about to happen. He told me he loved me and that I was the only one for him that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. I can't even remember what I was doing or what happened next cause then out of nowhere I looked down and there he was with a ring in his hand. I was in complete shock & felt as if my jaw just dropped to the floor, which it probably did. He then asked me, "Will you marry me?" and with no hesitation, I said yes! I then quickly went to grab the ring but stopped myself and asked him to put it on. He then said "so, is that a yes?" I could have sworn I had said yes haha I think we were both feeling so many different emotions also adrenaline pumping too so I said yes again hugged and kissed him. I can't believe he was planning this the whole time and I had no idea! At that moment I was the happiest I have ever been. I kept telling myself "what just happened?" I thought it was a joke for a while too and kept asking Rudy if it was for reals and if the ring was real too haha. Afterward, Rudy told me how nervous he was and that he had a whole speech prepared but then went blank. I don't blame him. He even forgot to ask someone to take pictures of him proposing which my dad had asked him to get. Whoopsies haha.
I could not believe he just proposed to me at our happiest place. It was something I told him I always wanted, (him to propose to me at Disneyland in front of the castle) but never thought it was going to happen ANYtime soon. We had talked about getting engaged maybe two months ago and he said it wouldn't be happening anytime soon due to bills and if anything maybe the end of this year. Great thing to say since that completely threw me off and I believed it 110%!! It was really funny because the night before while we were hanging out with my friend I was talking to her and had mentioned something about if I were to ever get engaged haha & Rudy was planning it all along. He seriously had me fooled the whole time I was never expecting it. It was one of those things that I always hoped would happen every time we would go to Disneyland but never thought it would actually happen or at least anytime soon.

(The first picture we took, as a newly engaged couple.)

I had so many questions for him and once we got to the hotel later that day to rest he told me everything. I still look at my ring and can't believe he chose this ring for me. He knows me so well! We shared the news with my sister, his brother & girlfriend (my brother in law & sister in law!) I waited to share the news with my parents when we got back home although they already knew since Rudy had called my dad. It's only been one month since we've got engaged and I'm so excited to see what's to come along with planning. He's made me the happiest girl. I love him so much, words can't even begin to describe it. When you find the one you truly 100% know and there's never a doubt about it. I can't wait to spend forever with him.


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